When recreating on SLC and BLC lands, it is important to be aware of and follow the General Rules found on the main ‘Recreational Opportunities’ tab of the SLC website. All Company lands, roads and trails are subject to the Regulated Use Area Restrictions and the Maps available on this tab.
Please always remember that it is a PRIVILEGE to use these Private lands for personal recreation. Also remember that it is YOUR RESPONSIBILTY to understand the landowner rules and expectations and it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to know whose property you are recreating on. Littering, unauthorized trail building, tree cutting and ignorance of closures may cause the SLC and BLC to revoke privileges for all users. Always obey closure signs. Please report illegal or suspicious activities to the County Law Enforcement or the SLC / BLC Forestry Department at 509-493-2155 and try to include a license plate number.
No commercial guiding services of any kind are allowed on SLC or BLC land without express written permission from the landowner.
Other than Restricted Use Areas and Fire Closures, SLC and BLC lands are open to all forms of non-motorized hunting and fishing access. Roads behind locked gates and road blockages (“tank traps”) are not available for vehicle access. Walking, mountain biking, or other forms of non-motorized transport are viable options. Company lands adjacent to open “mainline” roads that cross multiple ownerships are generally open to hunting and fishing.
Be sure to check on seasonal Fire closures in your area of interest before heading to the field, especially from July 15-October 15 each year. SLC and BLC may close all lands to Hunting and Fishing at any time when the Industrial Fire Precaution Level is a Level III or higher. Click Here for Current Industrial Fire Precaution Levels
- Call 9-1-1 immediately if you observe any uncontrolled wildfire.
- Warming fires are ALWAYS PROHIBITED on SLC and BLC lands. Report illegal or suspicious conduct to County law enforcement and the Forestry Department.
- Hunting, fishing, hiking, mountain bike trails and all other forms of Recreation will be closed in areas of active timber harvest operations, to protect the users and operators.
All hunting and fishing activities on Company lands falls under the jurisdiction of either the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) or the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, in terms of open seasons and bag limits. The following links may help you find information relavenent to your activities:
Klickitat County Public Works Mapping site.
Skamania County Assessor Mapping site.
Hood River County Mapping Site